Tuesday, February 07, 2006


If burleys struggling for a venue this saturday can have poker at mine...club 31a again
Just let me no the numbers n that!


big dave said...
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big dave said...

could do this sat, or would sat after be better for more people?

Jack said...

I can do this saturday like we wanted, no football sunday either so lie in..ish! Lets get it on!!!

Burls said...

Sats no good for me, ill have to sit this one out

Jack said...

wat about rick, andy, shorty etc

Hot_Vimto said...

I might make it not sure yet I'l have to consult my bank manager! How many have confirmed so far?

big dave said...

either for me, shorty and andy say the same

Hot_Vimto said...

In that case either for me

big dave said...

steve says defo not this sat maybe the week after.

Jack said...

Sounds like everyones available next saturday should we get something arranged for then?

Burls said...

sounds better for me, then its either at mine or yours jack

Jack said...

have it at mine if u want..ive got more chips available now just let me know the numbers before hand so i can sort some fishing chairs from dave!

Jack said...

or at burleys if he wants..take it in turns not bothered really

Hot_Vimto said...

i've got chips! or are they crisps??????????. Who Know's?!?

big dave said...

if we have it yours jack can you not have your penis parrot out.

Jack said...

Just bring yer money its like taking candy from a baby!!!